Monday, October 22, 2012

Speech for Homecoming Pep Assembly

I decided to post my speech that I gave at the SJHS Homecoming pep assembly for my journal.  The only thing I changed was taking out all but 1 name to protect the innocent, or not so innocent.  :)  The one I did leave was the name of the foreign exchange student because you have to have the name to get the joke!
Hi.  My name is Kelli Bedway and I am representing the class of ’88.  It wasn’t easy remembering what we did in High School since we are old now.   We had to go through yearbooks and send messages around to try and jog memories, but we came up with a few things. 

Our senior year was full of activity.  Jobs, sports, academics, homecoming, sat’s.  In physics we had the annual egg drop and of course building boats out of cardboard and glue and trying to set sail at the city pool.  Some did well, some of us sank before we even hit the deep end. 

Our varsity boys basketball team made it to state, in spite of an all out brawl on the basketball court against Show Low.  It even brought people out of the stands and onto the court.  They also had a fan club…there were several foreign workers at the power plant that followed the team around and would chant at the games.  We also had a special guest team member, Andreas Hell and we think he was from Italy or Germany.  Again, our age is showing.  The crowds would go crazy when he would step on the court and yell, “Go to Hell!” 

In other sports, the golf team went to state.  Several members of the track team qualified for state, setting records with Mr. *** as their coach and our wrestling team was a force to be reckoned with.  There were a couple of classmates who did motocross and did very well!  Our Homecoming King was **** and the Homecoming Queen was ****.  The Prince and Princess were **** and ****.  1st attendants were **** and **** and 2nd attendants were **** and ****. 

Our Academic Decathalon team took first place in the Northern Region and scored nearly 3,000 points higher than any of the other 22 schools thanks to Mrs. ****.

St. Johns had more all state choir members per capita than any other high school of any size…that’s a lot of musical talent!  Some of these all state choir members went on to start groups called The Slamheads and the Scuzzy Doowahs.  They were number one on the SJHS billboard charts and from what we are told still exist today with new members.

Some of us would join every single club and do every sport just to get out of class.  That worked until a group of boys were told they could join Future Homemakers of America and see 5,000 girls.  I think when those boys caused a stir at the FHA meeting, the teachers caught on to what was going on!  Some of our classmates instigated a sit out with the help of a couple of teachers because the pep rally was cancelled…the students won.  We would have won the best hall decoration competition if someone wouldn’t have spray painted ’88 on the wall.  To this day we have no idea who did it.  

We were children of the ‘80’s.  Girls wore big hair and boys wore short shorts.  We had cowboys, skaters and rockers.  Kids missed school to irrigate or show animals in 4h and the county fair.   We seemed to make it our life’s mission to soap every window in town and toilet paper every house.  We had bonfires at the sandwash, crammed as many kids into vehicles to go anywhere in town whether it be to the homecoming parade or out to Patterson’s pond.  We used to cruise main street and were on first name basis with all the cops in town hoping to keep out of tickets.  We had midnight movies and all night game night at the Palmers’ after Prom. 

A group of small town kids took over parts of San Diego when we went there for our senior trip.  I’m pretty sure there were complaints on us at the hotel and we all got major sunburned, but good times were had by all!

We had not 1, but 3 Valedictorians!

Our graduation caused quite a stir and is still talked about to this day, thanks to one of our classmates flashing the class and the crowd.  You never saw so much energy from the adults on the stage trying to get him to close his gown or get off the stage!  So seniors, if you have a gown check, that is why!

We have all had some major changes in our lives.  Some of us have extra pounds and less hair.  Most of us are parents and a lot of us went to college.  We are domestic engineers, medical professionals, law enforcement, teachers, school administrators, musicians and song writers, film makers, news broadcasters, gold buyers, sales men, firefighters, flight attendants, engineers, business owners and down right hard workers.   We were sometimes known as the rowdy class, the slackers and the troublemakers, but now we are the class with class!

Class of 2013, remember we were once where you are and in 25 years you will be where we are.  Cherish your senior year and the memories you make.  You are the future, so make the most of it!

Thank you! 

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