Saturday, October 6, 2012


I can't believe it is October already!  Wow!  Time really does fly by faster as you get older. 

October and November are my favorite months of the year.  I love those places that really have fall.  Of course here in the AZ desert, there really isn't such thing as fall.  Anyway, this October I'm determined to make it a great one!  I am excited to put out my fall decorations and to be able to open windows and enjoy fresh fresh as the city air can get anyway.   

Today is my sister-in-law Bobbi's birthday.  She was killed in a car accident in 2003.  She would have been 46 years old.  She was crazy, full of life and unstoppable!  She, Tom and their sister Theresa all had to share a birthday cake and birthday parties every year.  Tom and Theresa's birthdays are on the 7th and Bobbi was born on the 6th...barely!  Their mom told me one time that Bobbi would try to put her foot down every year to get her own cake and party because she was born on a different day.  I don't think that ever worked out for her very well. lol

Tomorrow is Tom's birthday.  He would have been 51.  The other day I found pictures of his 40th birthday party.  What a great time that was!  I sure do miss that man.  I know that he and Bobbi are having a great time celebrating each other's birthday and Bobbi is probably telling him that hers is definitely different from his!

My beautiful daughter turns 11 on the 12th.  Wow, she sure is growing up fast! 

I took my vacation in Oct this year and it starts today after I get off work.  I'm so happy and let me tell you, my body knows it's almost vacation time.  Yesterday I was so tired when I got home.  I sat down on the couch and said to myself, "I'm just going to close my eyes for a minute."  Next thing I know, it's 3:30 and my phone is ringing.  You know that completely disoriented feeling you get sometimes?  I had no idea where I was, what that noise was or what was happening.  It is a horrible feeling! 

For my vacation I'm going to run more, ride my bike, do some sewing, teach a friend how to can, have lunch with friends, put my stuff in a craft fair, do some house cleaning, stop by and visit Tom's grave, go to a class reunion, see my dad and stepmom and the most important thing of all...take naps! 

October 27th is the 8th anniversary of Tom's death.  This year I don't want to dwell on the bad of that day.  Every year I dread the horrible memories that come over me about that day.  So, I decided to try and plan a family picnic with one part of my family...that is, if they will answer the invite...hint, hint!!

And of course Halloween.  I only like the cute part of Halloween, not the stupid, gorey part.  My kids say they are still not too old to trick or treat, so I guess we will be going out again this year.  Hopefully my sister will come over with her kids again and go with us.  That is so much fun to watch the little ones go!

Happy October!

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