Friday, January 25, 2013

My Friend Steve Davis

Remember all those posts about my friends and all the many brothers that I have?  Well, Steve Davis is one of those brothers.  I met him through work.  I assist in teaching a computer class and he came through that class when he was a rookie cop.  I had met him briefly before that, but the day of class, at lunch time, I made him clean out his front seat and drive me to lunch where everyone else was going.  He did it without even batting and eye or a complaint.  That is just like him.  Always willing to please and make people happy.

Steve and I became fast friends.  A few years ago, I had New Year's Eve off and I decided I wanted to go on a ride along.  Steve offered to let me ride with him.  It was great because I'm not only friends with him, but with several guys on his squad too, including the Sergeant.  I was excited to be out on the road on a busy night.  Well, it turned out there were so many guys out there that night, they were all tripping over each other.  We got stuck patroling a 1 mile stretch of road to make sure people didn't stop on the freeway to watch the fireworks.  I got dizzy driving in circles!  I'm a dayshifter, so I get up super early and I go to bed super early.  Sadly, I fell asleep in his car. haha  He gave me a hard time about that of course.  (He's not the only one I've done that with! I shouldn't ride at night!)  It was an uneventful night, but we had a good visit and I got to know him better. 

What he wanted more than anything was to find a nice girl to settle down with and have a family.  That was his dream.  I tried to set him up with my niece, but as soon as I asked her about it, she had just started dating someone.  So, I was on the hunt.  He's quite a bit younger than me, so I don't really know a whole lot of girls his age, but that didn't stop me.  I was constantly looking for someone for him.  I even enlisted my sister to help me.  She knew of a girl that sounded perfect.  We were planning a dinner/family home evening where he would come and she would come.  That ended up not working out because of circumstances beyond our control.  I have been looking ever since. 

Everytime he checked on early for training or court, I would get a msg and we would chat for a while until he got to where he needed to be.  I just talked to him on Wednesday I think it was.  He's always pleasant and polite.  I have never heard anyone say one bad thing about him.  He is one of the nicest people I know.  He was my go to guy when something big was going on and I wasn't working, I would text him and see what was up.  Then we would chat for a while.  He loved being a cop and he was good at it. 

He is a good mormon boy with great values.  His family meant so much to him.  Even though he had his own home, it was not uncommon for him to spend the night at his parents house.

This afternoon the news was out that someone had passed away, but I didn't know who it was.  He was the first person I texted.  Then I texted a couple other guys.  I heard from them, they didn't know who, but they were checking.  I didn't hear from him and I had this horrible sinking feeling in my stomach.  I knew.  I can't explain it, I just knew.  Then my friends texted me and told me it was him.  I am devastated.  It is hard to imagine not getting those text messages any more, or not being on the lookout for the perfect girl for him.  I am sad beyond words. 

Steve, I'm glad you will now be able to find the girl of your dreams, your eternal companion, and that you will have the family that you always hoped and prayed for.  If anyone is deserving of that, it is you.  I know that you will be teaching the gospel and sharing your love of the Savior.  You are awesome and you will be missed so much by so many people.  I hope you get to meet Tom.  You would get along so well!  Rest in peace my brother.  We will all see you again.

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