Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year!

I can't believe another year has come and gone.  Weren't we just here?  Time is going by so fast that I'm writing the New Year's blog post a week after the new year started. 

It is that time where we set goals or make resolutions, whatever we all call it.  Usually I have the goal to lose a bunch of weight and be skinny again.  I haven't seen skinny in many years.  This year I decided to do it a little differently.  I decided I'm going to exercise more and reduce my sugar intake.  Hopefully I will keep those goals instead of getting discouraged.  If I lose weight in the process, then bonus!!  I have a sugar addiction.  It truly is an addiction.  If I have sugar in the morning then I eat sugar all day long and by the end of the day I feel miserable and guilty and I can feel the pounds just adding up.  Maybe if I do the drastically reduce my sugar intake and do it one day at a time, I will actually get through it.

My back is still acting up.  I have been going to the chiropractor 3 times a week for three weeks now and most of the time it seems nothing has changed.  I mean twenty plus years of problems should be fixed in 3 weeks, right?  Adjustments are painful and so are the massages.  After a day of sitting at work, I am pretty sore.  I have started trying to stand more and walk around more, but so far I haven't seen a difference.  I have decided that I am going to start doing yoga a couple times a week.  I will start by doing it on my brand new wii fit that Secret Santa gave me and then maybe I can work up to a class with other people.  My massage therapist said that should help the back situation too. 

Another goal is to actually have money in savings.  I did have some for a little while, but it's gone thanks to something unexpected, but that is what savings is for, right?  It was so nice to have that money to fall back on when I needed it.  I intend to get there again.  It will probably take me a while, but that is ok.

I also need to step out of my box.  I am a safe girl.  I don't do anything extreme and I very rarely do anything that gets me out of my comfort zone.  That needs to change.  Oh, don't think I'm gonna go jumping out of a plane or anything, but I am contemplating school.  I haven't been to school since I graduated high school 25 years ago.  Yikes, that is a long time.  Anyway, I never went to college.  Almost immediately after I had my diploma in hand, I was out the door and onto the great big harsh world.  I really want to get an associates degree in counseling because I think that will help me achieve the goals I have for the suicide prevention stuff. 

I am also trying to work on patience.  I have almost none....see above paragraph about my back.  Patience with myself, with my kids, with God.  That is why my patience is constantly being tested, because I can't seem to learn it.  So maybe if I learn it, God will stop testing it.  That is the logic of my simple human mind anyway. 

I wish everyone a safe and wonderful New Year and I hope and pray everyone has the best year ever this year!

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me to no end, truly. I think you'd be an excellent counselor too!
