Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sleeping With Someone

Sleeping with another person can have it's good points and bad points.  I'm not talking about sex (although the same can be said depending on the person! haha), I'm talking about actual sleeping with someone.

Do they snore?  Are they a cover stealer or a bed hogger?  How about the person that practically smothers you or pushes you off the bed because they can't stay on their side?  Or the person that kicks or hits in their sleep?  There are also those that have sleep apenia (sp?) that have to have the machine when they sleep so they don't stop breathing.  How about the person that has insomnia?  Or nightmares?  Or has freezing cold feet?

Sleeping with another person can definitely be a challenge.  It can also be nice!  Here are the things that I miss.  Talking before going to sleep.  That is the perfect time to talk.  It's quiet and you can focus on each other.  Snuggling up to someone.  Staying warm.  Knowing that someone is right there beside you and it's not so lonely. 

I have been single for over 8 years now.  I have a very nice, big king size bed...and I still sleep on my one side of the bed.  I don't sleep in the middle or take up the whole bed, even though I have plenty of room to do that.  Why?  I'm not sure.  Maybe I'm hoping that one day I will have to share a bed again and it will be easier to make the transition if the time comes.  Or maybe I'm just weird.  Why was this thought even on my mind?  I'm not sure about that either!  Unless it's the loneliness talking.

I hope you all sleep well...together or alone! 

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