Saturday, August 9, 2014


Who inspires you?  That is an interesting question to me.  There are all different ways to be inspired.  A person's strength and will power are inspiring.  Something a friend or family member says can inspire a thought to motivate you.  A teacher can be inspiring with their knowledge.  And of course there is spiritual inspiration.

I have been inspired by many people for many different reasons.  I love a good underdog story.  The stories of people who came from tough lives and persevered through it all to make their lives and others lives better are a great inspiration.  I also love the stories of those who have lost so much and fought back with a vengeance to gain more.  I'm not talking about money, I'm talking about courage, strength and determination.  Their examples inspire me to want to be a better person.  Then there is spiritual inspiration.

You know that feeling you get deep down inside when you just know what you are seeing, hearing and doing is right, or wrong.  There have been so many times lately I have had that feeling.  The last year I have really been trying to pay attention to the moments when I am inspired to know when things are right and to know when things are wrong.  Do I always follow that?  Unfortunately no.  I am human and have the stubbornness to think I can do things on my own without any help.  However, there have been several times in the last year that I thought my life was going a certain way and then I get the inspiration that is not the way it is meant to go.  At the time those inspirations are frustrating, but later I see the wisdom.  I am thankful for all the inspiration in my life, from angels on earth to my Heavenly Father.

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