Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Random Stuff

I've had writers block again. It's kind of strange to have a block...I usually don't have a problem finding things to talk about. I guess I need to find something to do so I can write about it!

Yesterday, I forced myself to put on a tennis shoe and went for a bike ride. My foot still has a knot on the top so shoes still hurt, but I wrapped it up and dealt with it. It was so great to get out and ride yesterday! It was a bit windy, but it was cooler than it has been so that made for a nice ride around the neighborhood with my music playing in my ears. I have lost around 25 lbs over the last several months. Hearing the complements and FINALLY noticing a bit of a change myself, makes me want to keep going! Now, if I could just stick with the diet and exercise, I would be doing so much better!! I have a serious weakness for carbs...I'm a carb addict! The problem I find is, I do really good for a while, then I give in and have 1 little piece of something, a cookie, a mini candy bar, whatever...and it's all over! I eat all kinds of crap for a few days then I have to force myself to get back on that wagon!

I'm looking forward to this weekend. I took two days off work...I actually had forgotten I took the days off. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I saw the schedule and realized I only had to work 3 days this week!! I love when I take some time off when my kids are in school. It gives me a little bit of time to rest or do things with my friends for a change. I've found that when I'm home alone, I don't turn on the tv and sometimes I don't even turn on any music. I just have silence in my house. My mom used to do that when I was a kid and I never understood that. How can she sit in total silence?! Now, as a working, single mom myself, I get it! I like the quiet which I don't get at work and I definitely don't get at home!

Has anyone else noticed that people are a bit crabby lately? I'm not immune for sure...I've had my share of crabbiness the last couple of weeks. My good friend has also been crabby. When we talk on the phone it is either a lot of silence or snapping at each other...needless to say, we haven't talked much the last few days! lol My kids, people on the road, people in the stores...just a bunch of crabs. Must be something in the air! It's time for me to get over being crabby!

I guess that's all for now. I'm sure I will think of something much more interesting to write about later!

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