Sunday, May 22, 2011

Social Networking

My friend J recently wrote a post on her blog about the good of Facebook. I'm going to copy her to an extent and write one too, but I'm going to put a slightly different slant on it. Sorry J, I don't want to copy you, but it was too good not to! :) She is an amazing writer!

Anyway, for nearly 20 years I went without knowing where a lot of my school friends were and I had no idea how to get in touch with them. We all left our hometown for an adventure into the unknown called life and we lost track of each other. Right around the time we started planning our 20 year class reunion, we all started working to find each other. That is when I was introduced to Facebook. I was a little leary about it, but when I figured out I could get in touch with people I hadn't spoken to in 20 years, I was very excited! It has now become a way for me to do some socializing. We recently planned a bbq with people from my hometown and it was a great success! We wouldn't have been able to do something like that without facebook. I'm able to keep in touch with family members that I hardly ever get to see and I can keep up with what is going on in people's lives. I have friends that live out of state and because of facebook, I know what is going on in their lives and know how to reach them if needed. I found out a friend had cancer and was able to visit her in the hospital and several other friends that have serious health issues. I have found out when family members die, when people change their relationship status and when babies are born. There have been many, many happy birthday wishes, congratulations extended, support given, prayers asked for and given and condolences. There have been support group sessions when something traumatic has happened as well. I have also found out about events I'm interested in on the suicide prevention walk. It is a place where we can vent, share funny stories about our kids or our lives and have a conversation with 10 people where none of us are in the same room and some of the people don't know each other, but we have friends in common. At least one thing a day makes me laugh on facebook and laughter is so important!! J is right in her blog, nothing beats a face to face relationship or conversation, but it's not always possible. I have some friends that don't text on their phones, so the fastest way for them to reach me is through facebook. They send me a msg and because I have facebook on my phone, I'm able to respond right away.

Sometimes on facebook, people say things that we may not agree with. There may be swear words, religious or politcal beliefs we don't agree with or a lifestyle we don't live, but that doesn't mean those people are bad and it doesn't mean that I don't want to be friends with them. The greatest thing about living where we do is our free agency. We have the right to say and do what we want...that doesn't mean it is without consequence of course, but we do have the freedom to express our opinions. We also have the freedom not to listen to those opinions. If someone says something I don't like or don't agree with I can either say something to that person or I can not read is my choice.

I am also on Twitter. I sometimes make posts on there, but not all too often. I mostly follow Twitter because I can get breaking news. For example, one day there was a huge fire in the city. I had a lot of people sending me messages wanting to know what is going on. I got on Twitter and found there was a big fire at a recycling took me less than a minute to find out. I know what roads are closed, what is coming out of Washington D.C and what kind of exercises are good for troubled areas. Not to mention keeping up with celebrities by reading their drunk tweets! Very good entertainment! hahaha

I have some friends and family that don't like the social networking thing because of the danger of it. My feeling is, do the best you can to protect yourself and live a little. We can't live in a bubble or live like those that live near my hometown...on 40 acres with nothing around, surrounding yourself with barbed wire and booby traps. That is not the way to live, although I can see the temptation for it sometimes!

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