Saturday, May 14, 2011

Things Rarely Work Out How We Planned

So, I took some time off from work this week. It has been so great to not have to get up at 3:30, although I have been up around 5 both days. As life happens, plans go out the window. Whether those plans are major or minor, sometimes, they just don't happen or they change. Thursday I drove to a friend's house to have him check my car. I tell ya, everyone should have a friend that is a mechanic and loves to help people. I don't know what I would do without him helping me out. He took my car all apart trying to find what is wrong and came up with a diagnosis. He even made me get under the car to show me exactly what was wrong and how he figured it out. I can't get it fixed right now, but at least I know what I need to get done and can hopefully get that taken care of.

Friday, I made plans to go to the movies with a girlfriend of mine. I haven't had the chance to go to the movies in probably over a year. We were going to see "Something Borrowed". That is a movie we have talked about seeing since the previews first came out about a month ago. Yes, total chic flick! We checked the times, it said 10:15. She checked the times on Thursday and it said 11:00. I checked the times again on Thursday night and it said 10:15. Weird. So we met at 10:00 and found out it started at 11:00. Oh well, we did some window shopping instead while we waited. That is always fun! When we got to the movie, we sat down between a couple that were all over each other and two cute little old ladies that were wearing matching sandals, pants and sweaters. They were too cute! We watched the previews for upcoming movies and totally enjoyed those...figured out there are some good movies coming soon! The screen went black like it does when the movie gets ready to start, and....nothing. We waited, and waited, and waited some more. People started talking and laughing not sure what to do because we were all sitting in the dark. Finally my friend says, "Should someone go say something?" I said I would. I wonder how long we all would have sat there in the dark if I didn't go say something? lol Anyway, I went out and found an usher and told them what was going on. When I came back in, I announced to the 15 people in the theatre they said they would tell someone. We sat in the dark for a couple more minutes and then they turned the lights on. They gave us a 3 minute eta for getting it fixed. 10 minutes later it was going to be another 5-10 minutes. another 20 minutes goes by and they said they had to cancel the showing. We got two free passes out of it and really enjoyed the previews, but we were sent on our way. We were bummed we didn't get to see the movie we have been waiting so long to see.

We went to lunch at a little pizza place there at the Market place. It was awesome pizza! We sat outside and did some people watching while we ate. People watching is so entertaining. I watched a guy make eyes at a young woman who was having lunch with her mom and grandma. Pretty funny...I wouldn't have been surprised if he tripped over a chair staring at her as he walked by!

Maybe it was because it Friday the 13th or because my horoscope said my plans wouldn't work out like I wanted them to, but it was still fun. I love getting out with friends once in a while and doing things that I want to do. Grown up time is so important!

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