Monday, July 30, 2012


I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart.  I love the low prices, ad matches and the fact that I can find pretty much anything I need.  I hate that they don't double coupons and I hate their customer service.  One time I had a clerk fight with me over two cents on a coupon...really??!! 

Sometimes I have to stop at Walmart on my way to work.  Usually it is the morning of payday and it's because I don't have anything to eat for lunch.  I already leave super early for work as it is, but on those days I have to leave even earlier.  I am always in a hurry and I have to try and decide what I'm going to eat for lunch ahead of time so I can make it a quick stop. 
Usually the gods are against me in making it a quick stop.  First of all, I have to fight my way through all the boxes and carts that are strewn about down every aisle from the night stalkers.  When I finally make it down the aisle I have to hunt for what I'm looking for.  Walmart is pretty bad about moving stuff around!  They also only open up one door during that time of morning.  The door in the grocery section.  The other door stays locked until who knows when.  I get the reasoning behind that.  They only have just a few people working at that time and they want to keep an eye on who comes in and out of the store.  Ok, fine.  The problem is, they only have 1 register open with one cashier.  That register is usually an express lane and down at the other end of the know, the end where the door is locked!  So I have to grab my food, walk all the way to the other end of the store.  Inevitably I get behind the one person that decided to get up at 4 am and do their weekly grocery shopping and they are having to pay for a full cart of groceries in the express lane.  Finally I get to pay for my 2 items and then I am running for the door that is open at the other end of the store.  Walmart really needs to figure out a better system!  How about having the cashier on the side of the store where the door is open?!  That would be a novel idea.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sleepless Nights

I hate when I can't sleep.  Somehow the alarm on my stereo got turned on and goes off, not during the day of course, but around 12:30 am!  I can't figure out how to turn the damn thing off either.  So every night I have been having to get up to turn it off.  Usually I can go back to sleep, but not tonight.  I have been laying here for a couple of hours tossing and turning.  I'm exhausted too which makes it even worse. 

All the things that stress me out seem to be 3 times worse in the midnight hours.  Like, what am I going to do about the struggles I am having with my kids.  I don't want to blab to the whole world, but I am really struggling with getting my kids to be honest.  It is killing me!  It is automatic for them to pop out a lie instead of the truth and I have tried everything I can think of.  If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears because I have run out of ideas.  I worry about them in school and will they choose the right friends.  My son is so forgiving of those boys that are super mean to him.  I love his forgiving heart, but I'm also scared that he will get hurt.  My daughter who is one of the funniest kids I know has to be the class clown.  That's all great except it interferes with her school work and everyone elses.  I really hope she grows out of that and realizes there is a time and a place to be funny.  It's so frustrating to watch my over the top smart kids make choices that are not good.  If my kids are struggling at this age, what is it going to be like when they are 16?  I was told by a woman who had a son with ADHD, that when he was about 13 or 14 he woke up one day a completely different kid.  He stopped having meltdowns, was nice and started making better choices.  The hormones seemed to kick in and that helped him with his ADHD.  I'm really hoping that is what happens with my boy. 

Financial struggles are also at the forefront of my mind.  They say money can't buy you happiness, but I would sure like to try!  I don't want to be rich, but I would like to be able to not struggle.  "Ok, who gets money this time.  They can wait until next payday, I have to pay these people this payday."  That whole robbing Peter to Paul thing is old.  I will say though, I am better off than some so I am grateful for what I do have.

I had to go school supply shopping yesterday.  That was a stressful situation.  Every ounce of energy that I had was sucked right out of me!  I went to Staples because they had a couple of items I could get for a penny.  Then to Payless to see if I could get a good deal on shoes.  $10 pair of tennies for my daughter so not too bad.  Then off to Target to see what deals they had there.  I found a few things, but not much.  I love Target, but they are kind of expensive.  Then it was the dreaded Walmart. was a nightmare in there.  They definitely have the best prices, but I couldn't even hardly get down the aisles of the school supply section!  Even with all of those bargains I thought I was going to have to take out a loan just to pay for them!  Sure, 50 cents for a composition book isn't bad, but when each kid has to have 5, it starts to add up.  Thank goodness I only have 2 kids I have to buy for!  Then my son would find things that were absolutely not necessary and he would say, "I HAVE to have this Mom!!"  Ummmm, no you don't need a mini planner just because it has a page that has hall pass written on it! 

I found a scorpion in my bathroom last night!  I hate those things!!!  They are so evil!  I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of bees, snakes or scorpions. 

And of course the lonliness.  It seems to be a lot more noticeable on those sleepless nights.  The house is super quiet and dark.  Ok, not completely dark because I'm afraid of the dark.  I can hear every tiny little noise.  It would be nice to have a man around to kill the damn scorpions!! :)

These are the things I think about when I am awake in the middle of the night.  It's almost time for my alarm to go off.  I wonder if I can get 5 more minutes of sleep.  That's probably what will happen.  I will close my computer and lay back down, because it is still too early to get up right now.  I will close my eyes and fall asleep 5 minutes before my alarm clock goes off...happens every time! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wasn't Me!

Someone has moved into our home and taken root there.  It's not someone that I want there either and I can't seem to get rid of them.  That someone is "wasn't me".  I am constantly hearing this name spoken and "wasn't me" is causing a lot of trouble.

Who spilled this water in the living room and didn't clean it up?  "Wasn't me!"  Who ate the whole brand new package of cheese?  "Wasn't me!"  Who left this big, huge mess right here?  "Wasn't me!"  Who drank the last of the milk?  Who left half a tube of toothpaste in the sink?  Who spilled the cereal all over the floor?  Who broke this picture frame? You guessed it, "Wasn't me!"  Wasn't me is becoming a real pain in my behind!

I have been trying to get rid of "Wasn't me" for quite a while now.  Wasn't me is relentless though, just hangin' around, stirring up trouble, wasting my food, making a big mess and taking over my house!  I hate those visitors that move in and refuse to leave.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to get rid of "Wasn't me", I'm all ears!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Telephone

A friend of mine forgot her cell phone at home today.  All we have heard  today is, "If I had my phone I could tell you."  haha  How true that statement is!  We have come to rely on our cell phones so much!   This of course started quite the discussion!

Remember a day when we didn't have cell phones?  Whatever did we do?!  My grandma used to run the phone office in the small town where I grew up.  She was the operator for that small town and her family lived in back of that office.  If you wanted to make a call, you picked up and asked the operator to connect you. 

The phone I remember when I was a kid was the rotary dial phones and the handset was tethered to the base.  There was the kind that hung on the wall and the kind that sat on the table.  I remember how tired my finger would get dialing.  It was so exciting when they came out with the push button phone!  You were still tethered though, so you had to sit where the phone was.  Then they came out with longer, thinner, sleeker phone that was either rotary or push button.  You could get a super long cord so you could walk around with the phone instead of sit in one spot.

Then there was the cordless phone!  Oh happy day!  You could go pretty much anywhere as long as you were a certain number of feet within the base!

Our parents didn't have a way of keeping constant tabs on us like we do now.  They didn't have gps or cell phones.  We went outside in the morning and we were gone until dinner.  We roamed the neighborhood and our parents didn't worry.  Because I grew up in a small town, my mom always knew where we were and what we were doing because other parents would always tell her.  That's how she lived without a cell phone!

Cell phones have changed a lot too.  There was the bag phone and the brick phone.  The brick phone was a monster of a phone, probably weighed 5 pounds!  You could get a workout just by talking on the phone!  Then they got smaller and smaller until they were so small, they could fit in your pocket.  Now cellphones are computers.  They have gotten thinner, but with bigger screens so you can use the internet, type up a document, play games, keep constant tabs on your kids, open car doors, monitor home security, I use mine for internet provider for my laptop, a calendar, phone book, and so much more!  My whole world is on my phone and that is why I have taken to writing stuff in other places, just in case.  They are portable so they can be taken anywhere.  You can talk to someone without actually having voice contact.  Most people don't have home phones anymore, just several cell phones.  That is how it is in our house.  I did that so my kids would have a phone when the went to the park or to a friend's house. 

A while back, I forgot to take my phone to the grocery store.  Ok, so it was 1 mile away from my house and I felt completely naked and vulnerable without it!  My son was home alone!  What if something happened!  How would he reach me?!  I was gone for 20 minutes and it was the longest, most stressful 20 minutes!  It is amazing how much we have come to rely on those little electronic gadgets.  It's going to be a sad, scary day if we ever lose cell phones!

I think I will tell my friend to check out this blog post...oh wait, she doesn't have her phone!

Alone Time

Alone time is such a rare thing in my life that I like to take advantage when I do have it.  Some people go out when they have alone time.  I very rarely do.  I prefer to stay home.   Alone time, no matter how old you are, is so very important to a person's sanity.  Even my 12 year old son has come to understand this.  He likes to stay home alone when my daughter and I go to the store.  I think that is so he gets a break from his sister bothering him so much!

My sister and brother-in-law and his dad and sister took 6 kids, mine included, to the Grand Canyon for a couple of days.  I missed them like crazy, but like my friend said, it is good to miss our kids.  It's also good for them to miss me.  We needed the time apart.  When they got home, none of us fought and they just told me all about how much fun they had.  My daughter was exhausted though, poor girl.  She fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 pm.

My kids had a great time! They went to Lee's Ferry, saw the Grand Canyon, did some hiking and walking and went to sunset crater. They are friends with the other kids so a good time was had by all!! I think the adults that went are very brave for taking all those kids!  Hopefully, I will be able to post some scenic pictures of their trip soon!

I went swimming, twice, without my kids screaming, yelling and cannonballing.  What a relaxing thing, although I did a workout in the pool so that doesn't count as relaxing I guess.  I did some house cleaning, canned apricot jam and syrup, visited with a friend, talked to my baby sister on the phone, watched tv online, took a nap, ate dinner out with my mom, helped a friend pack because she is moving and just enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Maybe after school starts, mondays off won't be so bad!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Last night I had the strangest dream.  I dreamt I was living in Seattle and I absolutely loved it!  That is, until Mt. St. Helen's erupted and threw ash all over the place.  It looked like the apocolypse.  I wonder why I dreamed that?  Maybe it is my love of the rain and the fact that we actually had rain yesterday?  But what about the volcano thing?  Maybe telling me even though rain is good, Seattle is not the place for me?  Anyway, kind of weird.

I love monsoon season.  I know I've talked about this before.  The moisture that comes up from Mexico every afternoon in the summer and puts on quite a show for us here in the great southwest.  Lightning streaks across the sky so much that it is like a strobe light.  The constant roll of thunder and torrential rains.  Rains that come so fast and hard that it floods everything.  The wind and lightning knock down trees and takes the power out.  Some of the craziest storms I have ever been in have been during the monsoon. 

The storms were more frequent when I was a kid it seemed.  I remember nearly everyday in the summer standing in the window watching the sky hoping the storms would hold off until after 3:00 pm so we could go swimming.  We had to go at 1:00 pm because my mom would come home for lunch and then drive us to the pool on her way back to work.  She worked down the block from the pool.  Now we don't seem to get nearly as many storms as we used to.  At least not here in the hot, hot desert. 

The last few days we have had some really good storms, but they all seem to happen when I am in bed sleeping or when I'm at work.  Yesterday they actually hit after I got home!  I was able to enjoy the show mother nature put on for us and it was one crazy show!  When it was all over we drove to my mom's for a few minutes and saw several trees that were casualties of the storm and lots of flooding.  Water so deep that you couldn't drive in the street and you couldn't see the sidewalks because they were underwater.  A friend of mine just posted on fb pictures of our neighborhood park that turned into a lake!  Her kids were out kayaking in it!  LOL!  I wish I would have thought to go by the park and take some pictures of that!  Next time I will remember that.  Monsoon season is awesome!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crazy stories

Funny what triggers a memory.  Today a few of us were talking about homeless people.  I'm not even sure how we got on the subject, but we were telling stories and I was reminded of a pretty funny one that I haven't thought about in a long time.

When I was about 18 years old, I got a job working at a grocery store as a cashier on the college campus.  There were all kinds of people that came in that store.  The college is very close to an old neighborhood so there were a lot of old people, of course college kids and then the homeless people.  There was one guy who was a regular.  I'm not sure where he hung out, but he came in several times a day.  He would start the day out sober and after getting money, coming in several times throughout the day buying beer, by afternoon he would be pretty drunk.  He was a pretty nice guy and funny too.

One day he came in and asked me if I wanted to go dancing with him.  ""  He worked and worked trying to get me to go dancing with him and I kept turning him down.  So this guy who was about 5 inches shorter than me, drunk as a skunk, hadn't showered in who knows how long, about 15 years older than me and homeless asked me out.  Just my luck!

This triggered other memories from working at that store. I had quite a few customers ask me out back in the day...not all of them were homeless!  One guy had skull tattoos and kind of scared me, I still went out with him. :)  Now I probably wouldn't even think twice just because I have learned that tattoos don't always show the true person underneath.  There was another guy who asked me and my roommate, who also worked there, if we wanted to have a three some.  What the???

There was a blind guy that came in one time and needed someone to help him grocery shop.  I was available so I volunteered.  We wandered the aisles and he told me what he needed and I would get it for him and put it in his cart.  When we got to the bologna aisle I was reading all the labels to him.  He was getting confused and finally he said, "Let me see."  "Excuse me?"  Luckily he thought that was funny and started laughing.  He said, "Let me hold it."  "Ooooooohhhhhhh". 

One day I was working the morning shift and I saw a guy carrying a golf club come in.  I started kind of following him because I was a little suspicious and so was one of the managers.  The guy goes down the juice aisle and just as I get there he starts swinging the golf club.  He broke almost every single bottle of juice on the shelf, then turned and left the store.  As he was leaving he threw the golf club.  He didn't get very far...the police got there pretty quickly and took him down in the parking lot.  Pretty exciting stuff for that little IGA store!

So many more stories from back when I was young, skinny and naive!  I will save them for another time!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I am addicted to Pinterest!!  It is a love/hate relationship.  I have made several recipes, learned how to paint furniture and today I was laughing my butt off!  It is hate because I'm always on the dang computer!

I found these little sayings on a website called tall-girl-problems.  Oh my goodness...I can soooo relate!  I realize that 5'10" isn't as tall as some of my tall female friends and sister who is 6' or a girlfriend of mine who is 6'2".  that doesn't change the fact that I am still tall.  One of my favorite little sayings on there was "boobs to the face hugs".  hahaha

It got me thinking about life as a tall girl.  There are pluses and minuses to it for sure.  I thought I would share some of these with you.

1. Never having to use a step stool
2. Being able to see over the top of everyone's head
3. Finding pants long enough and skirts for that matter...skirts that fit a normal sized woman will barely cover a tall woman's behind
4. All the short men love tall women
5. All the tall men love short women
6. Giving someone a hug and they either have their face in your boobs or your arms are around their head.
7. Wearing heals is always a big decision
8. Love getting hugs from tall men!
9. Being called a giant and feeling like a giant
10. Being asked "How's the weather up there?"
11. People seeing up your nose
12. When your friends drag you to the petite stores
13. having to squat down when taking group pictures
14. No, I don't play basketball or volleyball...I never got past the awkward clumsy stage
15. Reaching your full height when you are 14 years old
16. Having all of your friends be 5'1" to 5'3"
17. Not being able to sit in the backseat of a car unless you sit sideways and take up the whole seat
18. You may be able to get into tight spaces, but you may never get out of them
19. Having a constant back ache from having to bend over to do things
20. Dancing with a man who's face is in your boobs

These are just a few things.  I am tall and I am proud of it in spite of these frustrations.  I think the biggest one for me is the issues with men.  I do have to contemplate when I wear heals.  A few years ago I went out with a man that was 6'5".  I was so excited!  I had found a pair of sandals that were so amazing and they were only $5!  The catch, they are 3 inches plus a platform.  So they made me 6'2"!  I was actually going to be able to wear my sandals!  That man didn't work out, but I have some awesome sandals!  I wore them to church daughter said I look like a giant!

Several years ago my 6'2" friend and I worked together.  There was a man that worked with us that was about 5'4" tall.  We were having a department wide meeting and there were several of us standing in the hall, most of them men.  I went and stood on one side of this guy and my friend stood on the other side of him.  He said, "Hey, what's up?"  I said, "Not much, what's up with you?"  All the guys started laughing then he realized what was going on!  It's fun to pick on short people!  Last year for my birthday I went on a ride along with an officer.  When we went to lunch, we went with several other officers.  We all got out of the car and were standing in the parking lot...I was taller than every one of them!  Yeah, I felt a little awkward at that moment...then I decided to just own it and I stood up straight to my full height!  I do have some very tall male friends and I love hanging out with makes me feel small!

My kids are going to be tall.  I think my daughter especially.  I tell her all the time to embrace proud!  Tall women are awesome and beautiful!


I never in a million years thought that I would say I wanted to teach.  I admire teachers and I give them a lot of credit...especially those that teach kids.  I lose patience with my own 2 kids, I can't imagine having to teach 20 or 30 kids all at the same time for 10 months out of the year!  Props to all the teachers out there!! 

As I have gotten older my goals and desires have changed.  At my previous job, I worked there for 4 1/2 years.  4 of those years I was a trainer and I would train new hires.  When I left there, I swore I wouldn't do it anymore.  Never say never!!  I still really don't want to be that one on one trainer.  I prefer to have a SMALL classroom setting and have discussions, at least until I get a few classes under my belt!  Oh, and teach adults...I'm not very good with teaching kids. :)  Although, some adults act like kids, but that's a whole different blog!

I have been assisting teaching a class at work for quite a few years now.  It is a lot of fun and I really enjoy it.  It is a computer type class teaching the basics.  The only thing is, pretty much everyone has one of those computers now so aside from remedial training for a few of them, there really isn't much opportunity to teach it anymore. 

I went to General Instructor school a few months ago.  I have some lofty goals for sure, but hopefully I will be able to accomplish them before I retire!  The steps to get there are slowly falling into place for me.  I always have a hard time remembering that it is one step at a time to get to the end result and sometimes those steps are tiny.  I just want to go from the beginning to the end without ever doing the stuff in the middle.  The stuff in the middle is where we learn and grow. 

I'm doing that learning and growing this week.  I am substitute teaching at church today.  I'm teaching the 10 year olds...Pray for me!!!!!  They make me more nervous than adults do!  I'm also teaching my first official class at work on Tuesday.  It's an hour long class and will hopefully be a good discussion.  I'm really nervous and yet excited at the same time.  Baby steps!!  I have training the end of the month and I am hoping to leave that class with a clear picture of being able to write a lesson plan to teach it at work.  Wish me luck!  That will be a HUGE step towards my ultimate teaching goal!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

27th or 28th???

Fifteen years ago I married the man that waited for so long to come into my life.  The funny part about it and I guess kind of an inside joke that I will let you all in on...neither Tom nor I could remember what day we got married on.  Was it June 27th or June 28th??

Every year as our anniversary approached, we both would look at each other and say, "What day did we get married on?"  We would think and think, but for the life of us, we just couldn't remember!  What would always save us is, my stepmom hand quilted a beautiful white quilt (that is on my bed to this day) and she put a handmade label on it with our wedding date.  So we would race to the bedroom to look at the back of the quilt.  It would be a race so whoever saw it first would be the one to remember the date first and the other was just a loser!  LOL  We would always tell each other, "Next year we will remember!" and then next year we would do it all over again!

Since Tom died, it is still the same.  I can't remember if it's the 27th or 28th of June!  I still have to go to my room and look at the back of the quilt.  I smile to myself when I see that it is June 28th and I know Tom already knows so he is the winner.  He was always the cheater to get down the hall first anyway! :)