Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Alone Time

Alone time is such a rare thing in my life that I like to take advantage when I do have it.  Some people go out when they have alone time.  I very rarely do.  I prefer to stay home.   Alone time, no matter how old you are, is so very important to a person's sanity.  Even my 12 year old son has come to understand this.  He likes to stay home alone when my daughter and I go to the store.  I think that is so he gets a break from his sister bothering him so much!

My sister and brother-in-law and his dad and sister took 6 kids, mine included, to the Grand Canyon for a couple of days.  I missed them like crazy, but like my friend said, it is good to miss our kids.  It's also good for them to miss me.  We needed the time apart.  When they got home, none of us fought and they just told me all about how much fun they had.  My daughter was exhausted though, poor girl.  She fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 pm.

My kids had a great time! They went to Lee's Ferry, saw the Grand Canyon, did some hiking and walking and went to sunset crater. They are friends with the other kids so a good time was had by all!! I think the adults that went are very brave for taking all those kids!  Hopefully, I will be able to post some scenic pictures of their trip soon!

I went swimming, twice, without my kids screaming, yelling and cannonballing.  What a relaxing thing, although I did a workout in the pool so that doesn't count as relaxing I guess.  I did some house cleaning, canned apricot jam and syrup, visited with a friend, talked to my baby sister on the phone, watched tv online, took a nap, ate dinner out with my mom, helped a friend pack because she is moving and just enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Maybe after school starts, mondays off won't be so bad!

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