Sunday, July 1, 2012

27th or 28th???

Fifteen years ago I married the man that waited for so long to come into my life.  The funny part about it and I guess kind of an inside joke that I will let you all in on...neither Tom nor I could remember what day we got married on.  Was it June 27th or June 28th??

Every year as our anniversary approached, we both would look at each other and say, "What day did we get married on?"  We would think and think, but for the life of us, we just couldn't remember!  What would always save us is, my stepmom hand quilted a beautiful white quilt (that is on my bed to this day) and she put a handmade label on it with our wedding date.  So we would race to the bedroom to look at the back of the quilt.  It would be a race so whoever saw it first would be the one to remember the date first and the other was just a loser!  LOL  We would always tell each other, "Next year we will remember!" and then next year we would do it all over again!

Since Tom died, it is still the same.  I can't remember if it's the 27th or 28th of June!  I still have to go to my room and look at the back of the quilt.  I smile to myself when I see that it is June 28th and I know Tom already knows so he is the winner.  He was always the cheater to get down the hall first anyway! :)

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