Monday, July 30, 2012


I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart.  I love the low prices, ad matches and the fact that I can find pretty much anything I need.  I hate that they don't double coupons and I hate their customer service.  One time I had a clerk fight with me over two cents on a coupon...really??!! 

Sometimes I have to stop at Walmart on my way to work.  Usually it is the morning of payday and it's because I don't have anything to eat for lunch.  I already leave super early for work as it is, but on those days I have to leave even earlier.  I am always in a hurry and I have to try and decide what I'm going to eat for lunch ahead of time so I can make it a quick stop. 
Usually the gods are against me in making it a quick stop.  First of all, I have to fight my way through all the boxes and carts that are strewn about down every aisle from the night stalkers.  When I finally make it down the aisle I have to hunt for what I'm looking for.  Walmart is pretty bad about moving stuff around!  They also only open up one door during that time of morning.  The door in the grocery section.  The other door stays locked until who knows when.  I get the reasoning behind that.  They only have just a few people working at that time and they want to keep an eye on who comes in and out of the store.  Ok, fine.  The problem is, they only have 1 register open with one cashier.  That register is usually an express lane and down at the other end of the know, the end where the door is locked!  So I have to grab my food, walk all the way to the other end of the store.  Inevitably I get behind the one person that decided to get up at 4 am and do their weekly grocery shopping and they are having to pay for a full cart of groceries in the express lane.  Finally I get to pay for my 2 items and then I am running for the door that is open at the other end of the store.  Walmart really needs to figure out a better system!  How about having the cashier on the side of the store where the door is open?!  That would be a novel idea.

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