Sunday, July 15, 2012


Last night I had the strangest dream.  I dreamt I was living in Seattle and I absolutely loved it!  That is, until Mt. St. Helen's erupted and threw ash all over the place.  It looked like the apocolypse.  I wonder why I dreamed that?  Maybe it is my love of the rain and the fact that we actually had rain yesterday?  But what about the volcano thing?  Maybe telling me even though rain is good, Seattle is not the place for me?  Anyway, kind of weird.

I love monsoon season.  I know I've talked about this before.  The moisture that comes up from Mexico every afternoon in the summer and puts on quite a show for us here in the great southwest.  Lightning streaks across the sky so much that it is like a strobe light.  The constant roll of thunder and torrential rains.  Rains that come so fast and hard that it floods everything.  The wind and lightning knock down trees and takes the power out.  Some of the craziest storms I have ever been in have been during the monsoon. 

The storms were more frequent when I was a kid it seemed.  I remember nearly everyday in the summer standing in the window watching the sky hoping the storms would hold off until after 3:00 pm so we could go swimming.  We had to go at 1:00 pm because my mom would come home for lunch and then drive us to the pool on her way back to work.  She worked down the block from the pool.  Now we don't seem to get nearly as many storms as we used to.  At least not here in the hot, hot desert. 

The last few days we have had some really good storms, but they all seem to happen when I am in bed sleeping or when I'm at work.  Yesterday they actually hit after I got home!  I was able to enjoy the show mother nature put on for us and it was one crazy show!  When it was all over we drove to my mom's for a few minutes and saw several trees that were casualties of the storm and lots of flooding.  Water so deep that you couldn't drive in the street and you couldn't see the sidewalks because they were underwater.  A friend of mine just posted on fb pictures of our neighborhood park that turned into a lake!  Her kids were out kayaking in it!  LOL!  I wish I would have thought to go by the park and take some pictures of that!  Next time I will remember that.  Monsoon season is awesome!

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