Sunday, July 8, 2012


I never in a million years thought that I would say I wanted to teach.  I admire teachers and I give them a lot of credit...especially those that teach kids.  I lose patience with my own 2 kids, I can't imagine having to teach 20 or 30 kids all at the same time for 10 months out of the year!  Props to all the teachers out there!! 

As I have gotten older my goals and desires have changed.  At my previous job, I worked there for 4 1/2 years.  4 of those years I was a trainer and I would train new hires.  When I left there, I swore I wouldn't do it anymore.  Never say never!!  I still really don't want to be that one on one trainer.  I prefer to have a SMALL classroom setting and have discussions, at least until I get a few classes under my belt!  Oh, and teach adults...I'm not very good with teaching kids. :)  Although, some adults act like kids, but that's a whole different blog!

I have been assisting teaching a class at work for quite a few years now.  It is a lot of fun and I really enjoy it.  It is a computer type class teaching the basics.  The only thing is, pretty much everyone has one of those computers now so aside from remedial training for a few of them, there really isn't much opportunity to teach it anymore. 

I went to General Instructor school a few months ago.  I have some lofty goals for sure, but hopefully I will be able to accomplish them before I retire!  The steps to get there are slowly falling into place for me.  I always have a hard time remembering that it is one step at a time to get to the end result and sometimes those steps are tiny.  I just want to go from the beginning to the end without ever doing the stuff in the middle.  The stuff in the middle is where we learn and grow. 

I'm doing that learning and growing this week.  I am substitute teaching at church today.  I'm teaching the 10 year olds...Pray for me!!!!!  They make me more nervous than adults do!  I'm also teaching my first official class at work on Tuesday.  It's an hour long class and will hopefully be a good discussion.  I'm really nervous and yet excited at the same time.  Baby steps!!  I have training the end of the month and I am hoping to leave that class with a clear picture of being able to write a lesson plan to teach it at work.  Wish me luck!  That will be a HUGE step towards my ultimate teaching goal!

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