Friday, April 1, 2011

Alone Time

It seems that I have spent a lot of time with my kids lately. I try to take time off when they have half days, when they are on break from school, home for them after school, we go for runs as a family, etc. I think my kids are just as tired of being with me on a constant basis as I am. Now, I love my children more than life itself, but sometimes I just need to have my alone time.

I've been a little burned out at work lately as well, so I took two days off this week. I got away from work for a couple of extra days and my kids were at school so I had blessed time all to myself, to do whatever I wanted! Let me tell you, I could use a few weeks of that! I went on a run yesterday...all by myself! Just me and my music to enjoy the beautiful weather. Then I came home, went in the backyard and pulled some weeds and played in my garden. I finally decided to take a shower and then I watched an old movie. I got about a 30 minute nap, which I almost never get naps! Why do kids hate naps so much? Adults have definitely learned the value of a good nap! I didn't even do any house cleaning like I should have. I made my first cream puffs yesterday too. I don't even know why I made them. I was looking for something different to make, but I only have certain things in the cupboard. I found the recipe and tried it...not too bad for a first timer!

Today, I took a drive all the way across the city to go to a friend's house. He gave me a tour of his new house and then fixed my car. What a guy!! I am so grateful to him for fixing my car, even if it was a pain. :) He even fed me lunch! I then made the trek back across the city to enjoy the last of my quiet time. I pulled some more weeds and pretty much did nothing until my kids got home.

Something I have realized, I need to find a way to take at least one day off work a month when my kids are in school so I can have a whole day all to myself where I do whatever I want! Call it me time, alone time, re-energize doesn't really long as it's just for me!

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