Monday, April 25, 2011

One of Those Weeks

Do you ever have one of those days? You know the ones, where everything seems to go wrong. I have had one of those weeks. Actually, the majority of it was over the weekend. Even though my weekend was good, it was also full of my klumsy antics. I'm not always klumsy, but it does come in cycles. One thing happens and it snowballs from there.

Monday was an absolute crazy day at work. I love to be busy and I do my best work when it's busy, but it was so crazy that by the time I left work I was exhausted! The rest of the week wasn't so bad and mellowed out.

I took Friday off and had my yardsale. It was pretty successful for the most part. I only had 1 bag of clothes and a small box of stuff left over and I had gotten to that point by about 10 am. The only thing I didn't sell that I was really wanting to sell was my Total Gym. It's not that I have never used it, it's just been a while. I'm trying to downsize, declutter and make a little bit of cash so I was really hoping to sell it. I paid good money for that piece of equipment and it has all the pieces and parts to it, so I was hoping to get a few hundred for it. No one even looked at it. Until the very end that is. My neighbor came over and said her daughter was looking for something she could use to workout with. She ran and got her daughter so I could show them how to fold it up. Now, it's not hard to fold up, it's just kind of a pain in the ass and when you're klumsy like me you really have to be careful what you are doing. Apparently, I forgot that little tidbit of information. As I was trying to make the big sale by showing her how to fold up the Total Gym so she can put it in a closet or something, I smashed my finger. Yep, got it caught and couldn't get it out. I was trying really hard not to panic while I was talking to her and telling her she has to be very careful not to pinch her fingers and the whole time I'm trying to slyly unfold it so I can get my finger out!! I finally free myself and I get it folded up, except for the piece on the back. I didn't snap it all the way in and it fell back and landed on my foot! I'm standing there thinking, "Wow, I feel like half of the Lucy and Ethel show." It left a red mark on the top of my foot, but it didn't hurt as bad as my finger so I didn't think much of it. She looked at me and said, "I'll think about it." Yeah, sure you will...chicken!! haha

Friday night I went to a party, so I was on my feet a lot that night. As the night wore on, the more sore my foot became and the more visible the bruise was. Even my flip flops were hurting my foot. Then, Saturday morning I took my kids to an Easter egg hunt and was on my feet for quite a while there. I then went to lunch with an old friend and by the time I got back home, my foot was throbbing and it was very swollen. Because it didn't hurt quite as bad as my finger (which still hurts by the way) when I did it, I didn't think anything of it, but by that time I was beginning to wonder if I had a small crack in one of those tiny bones. I put some ice on it, propped it up on the couch and promptly fell asleep. When I woke up the swelling had gone down some so I went about my business.

Yesterday I woke up to a sore finger, a sore foot and a pain in my back near my left shoulder blade and up into my neck. Really???!!!!! I didn't do anything! Sheesh I skipped church because of that and because I wasn't sure if I could get a shoe on. Later yesterday afternoon, I started to make mashed potatoes to take to my sister's for dinner. I was peeling and cutting away and next thing I know, I somehow run the knife across the side of my finger...yep, you guessed it. The one that I smashed! OMG! Thankfully it was just a superficial wound and thankfully I didn't get the big knife down when I thought about it because I probably would have cut my finger off! Then at my sister's house for dinner, the spoon fell into the crock pot. When I was trying to fish it out, I burned myself. Not enough to cause any damage, but I decided it was time to go to bed. Maybe I should wrap myself in bubble wrap! My mom used her mom's famous quote on me yesterday. "You just need to face the fact that you're getting older and you just can't do the things you used to do." Oh, you mean like fold up a Total Gym and cut potatoes!! lol

My back is still sore today and sitting in a not so comfortable chair doesn't help, but on the bright side, my foot is slowly getting better. The bruise isn't as purple, it's not as swollen and I got a shoe on today. It didn't feel great, but I got my sandal on my foot. I think this would be a really good time to just hang out in bed for a few days...too bad it's not possible. Oh well, I will just have to be extra careful with everything I do and I am not allowing myself to use sharp objects!

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