Friday, April 15, 2011


Well, this week I have had two more men treat me like trash. I won't go into details like I usually do, but I will say, one of them made me very sad. He used to be a friend that I hadn't seen in many years and he hurt me by doing the same thing all the other men have. I was really hoping he was better than the others. I am most disappointed by that one. Obviously there is something wrong. I've tried to figure out why I attract these type of men. I'm not a piece of trash and I deserve to be treated better. So, I've decided to put my efforts elsewhere for a while.

Some friends of mine are doing a challenge. It is a challenge to become more physically and spiritually fit. I wasn't able to start when they did, so I am a week behind, but I'm starting now. I need a challenge to get me going sometimes. The first week is no sweets or desserts. Since I am addicted to carbs, this is a tough one. I am in constant battle with myself over this. I do really well for a while, then I fall off the wagon. After a week of eating nothing but garbage, I'm back on the wagon and today I sweets!

I went for a walk/run this morning. I love when I'm off work and I can get out in the morning. Something about the morning air that is so peaceful. It clears my mind of all the bad stuff, at least for a little while. I focus only on what is around me, my breathing, my posture and my music. When I'm doing the running part it is focusing on getting one foot in front of the other! ha! I'm a really good walker, but I'm a terrible runner. I'm working on it though. :) I also love when I can go for my walks/runs by myself. No kids to distract me from the peace I am trying to bring in. I like to exercise with friends, but I love to walk by myself. I have a challenge of my own to give to everyone. Take some time to get out and walk by yourself. Focus on nothing but what God has created, on your breathing and bringing peace to your mind. I promise you, it changes everything!

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