Saturday, April 23, 2011


I very rarely have moments where I have nothing to say. Sometimes I don't say what I'm thinking due to social etiquette...yes, I do have a filter sometimes, but I don't really lack for things to say. However, this week I can't think of a damn thing. Is this what writer's block is? I have been looking for inspiration for a post everywhere I go and I got nothin'!

Last night I drove across the city to a friend's house for a party. The only people I knew were the host and his brother. I enjoyed getting out to an adult only party and making a few new friends. I'm kind of shy when I get around a large crowd of people I don't know and so last night I didn't have much to say. I mostly listened to the others and did some people watching. You can learn a lot about a person just by watching them. :)

This week I did pretty well with the no sweets thing for the most part, but I did fall off the wagon a couple of times. I have really slacked off on the exercise this week though. I have really good intentions, then I get home and they are out the window. I'm trying to start an exercise group in my neighborhood where we meet once a week at the park and do some fun outdoor exercises. That is one night a week where I am accountable to other people and I get to have fun and workout at the same time. Hopefully we can get that up and running! Also this week I have struggled with how I look. This is a fat week for sure! Most of us have those moments where we feel fat no matter what. But, I have also had more compliments this week on how people are noticing my weight loss than I ever have. Pretty funny how those are coming to me on the week I feel fat. They must have a 6th sense that this is the week I needed to hear that bit of encouragement to keep me motivated.

I had a yard sale yesterday. Fridays are excellent days in my neighborhood to have yard sales. I think it's because Saturdays there are a lot and Friday not as many. I was sold out of almost everything by 10 am. I have one bag of clothes and a small box of stuff to take to Good Will, so not too bad. I was trying to sell my Total Gym. I'm really tight on cash right now so not only was I trying to downsize, but I was trying to make a little bit of money. I almost had it sold, but the woman changed her mind. I think it might have had something to do with when I was showing her how to fold it up, I dropped part of it on my foot. Once she saw that I got, "I'll think about it." haha My foot is really sore by the way! I have a nice bruise on the top of my foot and even my flip flops hurt. That's what happens when you're klumsy!

Well, hopefully my inspiration will return very soon and I can start making regular posts again!

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