Sunday, April 24, 2011


Growing up I never did much traveling. We didn't have the money to go anywhere. The only traveling we did was drive the four hour trip (now it's only 3 hrs thanks to higher speed limits!) from our small town to the big city once a month to see my grandparents. I LOVED visiting my grandparents, but that is my next post! When I was about 14 or 15 years old, I went to Provo, UT to BYU with a church youth group. That was such a fun trip! We also used to take a day trip once in a great while to Flagstaff and during the fall we would take day trips around the mountain to look at fall colors and have a picnic. These were really fun times! Times where we would talk about everything under the sun and enjoy the scenery. When I was a senior in High School, I went to San Diego with my senior class. That was so much fun!

In my 20's, I made friends with some people who had moved to our tiny town from northern California. Sadly, they eventually left that town and moved back to CA. I took several trips to their beautiful home. I loved sitting on their porch, enjoying the green, green 10 acres of land, the pond in their backyard, beautiful large oak trees and wild blackberry bushes. In 2005, I took my kids and my mom to NYC to see my sister when she was living there. That is an amazing city and I wish I could have stayed longer to see more! That is pretty much the extent of my traveling experiences.

After my kids get older, I'm hoping I can start saving money for more trips. There are so many places that I want to go. As much as I would LOVE to go to Italy and Ireland, I have this aversion to flying over large bodies of water. I don't like water that I can't see or touch the bottom sooooo...I would love to stay in the States. I want to go to the Pacific Northwest where there is rain and green! I want to go back to NYC and see all the things that I missed. I want to go to Boston, Savannah, New Orleans and Washington D.C. I really want to take a train ride through New England in the fall and see the gold, red and orange colors of fall and visit the tiny towns there. Towns where they sell real maple syrup, have cobble stone streets, quaint shops and huge trees.

We all have dreams!

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