Saturday, April 9, 2011


You gotta love Spring weather! There is no other time of year where it can be 100 degrees and sunny one day and 4 days later it's 60 degrees and rainy! I have to say I love the rain! We don't get enough of it for sure, so when it comes along it is a blessing!

The colors are so much brighter, the air is cleaner and smells wonderful, it's cooler (except during monsoon season!) and people are generally happier. When I did the breast cancer 3day walk a couple years ago, I lived for rainy days to do my training walks. There is nothing like a walk in the rain!

Today my kids and I did a short bike ride in the rain. It was chilly and we got soaked, but we had a great time! I would have stayed out longer, but my behind is still not used to sitting on the dang bicycle seat! (Yes, I'm a wuss!) haha On our ride, we ran into a man out for a walk with his dog. He was so happy to be out in the rain. He said he grew up in England, so this was just like home for him! We also saw some ducks playing in the flooded park by our house.

I know that up north is getting hit by snow again. Gotta have that one snow storm in April!

I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful, rainy day!!

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