Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter


I think it is so sad what our country has become. A friend of mine posted on facebook that he saw a sign for a Spring Egg Hunt. He wanted to know if that was like the easter egg hunts he used to have as a kid. What in the world has happened to this country? Everyone is so afraid of offending someone they can't even say Easter????

I refuse to give in to this kind of behavior. I say Merry Christmas and Happy Easter. God bless you and God bless America. I am a christian and I'm not afraid to say it.

Although it is fun to have Easter egg hunts, color eggs, eat candy and have the Easter bunny come visit, I don't really do much for Easter. The Easter bunny brings my kids something very small, but that is not what Easter is about. Easter is about our Savior.

For me it's not just about Him being crusified. It starts before that. I think we have to remember it all. Not just His life, but all the events in the end were very important. The last supper, where He counseled His disciples and then washed their feet as a gesture of love. The Garden of Gethsemane where on His knees He prayed and bled from every pore for not only our sins, but for our illnesses, struggles and pains. It is where He was also betrayed by Judas. This is where He was taken into custody and then endured extreme torture. After the torture and beatings, He was forced to carry His own cross. After He carried His own cross on His back that was covered in deep cuts from being whipped, nails were placed in His wrists, hands and feet, a crown of thorns put on His head and He was left there hanging on that cross to die a very long, slow painful death and even then He asked for forgiveness for His tormentors. After He died He was placed in a tomb. After three days, He was resurrected. He went through all of this so He can be the one that truly understands all that we go through in our life and we can turn to Him for help. He also did this so we can ask for forgiveness of our sins and so we can have eternal life. I am so grateful to all He did for us and I am grateful to our Heavenly Father who had the wisdom to know this was the only way. How hard it must have been for our Father to watch His Son go through those horrible things and having to let Him do that.

So among all the fun times of candy and easter eggs, please remember the reason we celebrate Easter.

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