Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I am Woman

When I wrote the title to this entry, I immediately thought of the old Helen Reddy song. "I am woman, hear me roar. In numbers too big to ignore." Yes, I just dated myself! I love the music from the 70's! Anyway, I digress. I wanted to write a post that every woman out there could relate to and every man would maybe get a little bit of insight into a woman. Guys, I warn you, it is very little insight because women are complicated! I am writing this from my perspective, but really, it's about all women.

I am strong! I may not have the physical strength of a man, but I am strong none the less. I can take on my problems, my children's problems, my friends' problems, my work problems and my family's problems and shoulder them all. Even in the darkest and toughest times I can find something to smile or laugh about and I can work on finding a solution. I may not know what it's like to give birth, but I know physical pain and I know sickness. I know joy beyond description and heartache and grief so strong my heart literally felt like it was breaking. I know what it's like to fight for my kids because I have been fighting for them from the day they came into my life.

I am a good listener. I can sit and listen to you tell me what makes you happy, sad, angry, joyful, spiritual. I can learn from it, cheer you up, cry with you or share my insight because I have been through a lot.

I am a multitasker. I can cook dinner, help kids do homework, talk on the phone and clean the kitchen at the same time. I can clean the house, fold the laundry, listen to my kids tell me stories or things in their lives and try to teach them valuable lessons in life at the same time.

I am nurse, counselor, friend, mom, dad, sister, daughter, accountant, provider, referee, bug killer, cook, seamstress, coach, assistant, survivor, lover, fighter, teacher, student, discipliner, mechanic, maid, party planner, gardener and problem solver. It's no wonder I need a nap!!

I am complicated, yet simple. I cry when I'm happy, sad, angry, lonely, frustrated, scared, touched, stressed or watching a movie and I laugh when I have all of these emotions as well. I sometimes scream and yell and other times I don't say a word. I am one of the guys and sometimes those guys forget that I am a woman.

Most days I'm pretty happy, but somedays I just want to have a bad day. I like to be pampered, but not smothered. I like to feel needed and appreciated. I love affection and at the end of the day, I just need a hug!

I'm proud to be a woman!

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