Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why Do I Blog?

There are many reasons I started writing this particular blog. I found that I love to write and even though I'm not a professional writer and I'm not always grammatically correct, I still love to do it. This blog is intended to entertain, to share memories, to provoke thought and to vent. If by chance someone reads this blog and gets something out of it that helps them, then I am very happy! I want anyone out there who has had nightmare dates and struggles with kids to know they aren't the only ones that have gone thru it. I know for me it is a great help to know I'm not the only one.

I am a thinker and I am a talker. Sometimes I do both too much. I share a lot, but I try really hard not to use names of places or people. I do that not only to protect the innocent (or not so innocent!), but also so people can put themselves in the stories. Even though I share a lot on here, there is a lot that I don't share.

I don't write this blog to offend anyone or be mean or pick on people, but I do tell the truth. I also have a potty mouth that comes out in my writings sometimes...sorry, that's just how I am and I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not! I also don't share the struggles that I have to gain sympathy. The only thing I hope to gain from it is, for someone out there who has the same kind of struggle, to not feel alone. So if I share something that seems extra personal, don't think bad of me for sharing it on such a public forum. I think about my posts before I write them and decide to put it all out there for everyone to see.

And sometimes, I just want to make people laugh! Let's face it...I have some shitty luck when it comes to men and dating and it can be damn funny! I have decided one of my first questions to every man I talk to is, "Do you have a pan to cook hamburgers in?" (If that makes no sense to anyone, go find the post about frying pan guy and you will understand!)

For some reason when I try to share my blog posts on facebook, it won't share because it has been marked as blocked for being offensive or spammy. Really?? If I offend someone, I would hope they would either a) come talk to me first or b) just not read my blog anymore. I hope someone didn't say my blog was offensive...because I take offense to that! I do my best to not offend people. This just started today so I'm not sure what is going on with that.

So, I guess my whole point to this post is, I hope no one thinks less of me for sharing so much and if I offend, sorry! Also, if anyone has a topic they want me to talk about, send it my way! I love good, healthy conversation! :)

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