Thursday, April 7, 2011

A New Thing?

Okay, I'm back to talking about my dating life...or lack thereof. Over the last few weeks I have talked to several guys in the online world of dating. Had a nice chat with a guy and he asked me if I wanted to meet up for lunch. I said sure...I haven't heard from him in over two weeks. After a nice chat with another guy, he asked to meet. I said ok, we started trying to figure out schedules and where to meet. I asked what part of town he lives in, he told me then I asked what his work schedule is and what he did for a living...nada. Haven't heard from him since. I guess that question was too personal!

I was talking with yet another guy. We also had a nice chat, he asked me if I wanted to meet and I said sure. I didn't hear from him for 2 weeks. The other day I get a text msg from a number that I didn't recognize. All it said was hi, so I said hi back. He asked if I knew who I was talking to and I said not a clue. he says, "I don't feel bad now. How do I know you?" Well, you can start be telling me who the hell you are first! Sheesh. He told me his name and I said, "'re the guy that asked me out on a date and I never heard from again so I deleted you from my phone." His response was, "So sorry...I was a total dick. Can you send me your picture?" I don't think so buddy!!

Another guy and I were chatting and he asked to call me. I said sure and gave him my number. We had a really great phone conversation, laughed a lot. He asked me out for Saturday. I love to laugh, so I said yes to a date with him as well. Yeah, you guessed it...haven't heard from him.

There are two other men that have asked me out. One lives about 2 hrs away from me and we are having a hard time syncing up our schedules. The other one I talked to on the phone over the weekend. He asked me if I wanted to have lunch on some saturday. I haven't heard from him, but he didn't give a specific saturday either. I really hope I have the chance to meet up with these two guys.

So, my question is, is this a new thing from these guys? Chat, ask a woman out and then never speak to her again? I mean really...if you're not interested, don't ask!!!!!

As I read back through this, it would seem that I would have had a bunch of dates over the last few weeks. That brings me to another question. I have seen in some of the online profiles men that say, if you are a serial dater, move on. What does that mean? Because a man or woman goes out with one or more people, they are a serial dater? Why should they be expected to be monogomous, for lack of a better word, with a person they have never even met? Isn't the whole point of this is to meet someone, go out and see if they are a good fit? To me it seems, if they meet and get along and they progress to having a conversation about a relationship, then it's time to quit dating other people whether that conversation happens on the first date or the fifteenth date. Just don't be like a friend of mine and drunk call one of them and call them by another's name!! hahaha

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